I can't imagine.
I can't imagine eating only bread and potatoes (with nothing to go on them) for months. I can't imagine the threat of not even having that to eat.
The prairie village where they lived is just over four hours from where we live. What separates us isn't so much climate or location, but time. Our wealth today (even though we are poor by most American standards), ensures us that we have food on our table and heat for our house. When we do have a blizzard (we experienced a few last year), I don't have to worry that it might be a while before we are able to stock up on supplies. Usually within 24 hours I can get somewhere. And even if the electricity goes out or something else happens, I know it won't be long before it's back on. Chances are, someone I know still has theirs if worse gets to worse.
For a s good as we have it, I also think we're missing out on something.
People 132 years ago--even in those tough times--had great attitudes. They never complained, even when only eating bread and potatoes day after day. They worked hard. Really hard. In harsh conditions. But they also knew when to take a break and enjoy themselves (not with video games or television, but with the fiddle and a book). Most of us couldn't survive if anything like that happened to us. We don't have the day-to-day survival skills of going without daily conveniences.
I'm glad we're reading it. It gives me (and hopefully the boys as well) an appreciation of what we have and what people went through to get us here today. It's good for us to remember where we've come from and the sacrifices people have made.
And I don't have a Pollyana-esque image of life back then. I know things weren't perfect (the white settlers tended to have way too much racial elitism for one). And I wouldn't want to give up the conveniences of decent medical care, being able to talk to and visit my family when ever I want, or being able to eat more than one type of vegetable through the winter.
I wish we could retain some of the attitudes: the perseverance, the humility, the strength, the positivity (or at least not focusing on the negativity). I'm thankful for books to remind us of these things.