
Camping Vacation: Part 2

We just returned from our second camping trip of the week. This one was with my parents, siblings, nieces and nephews at Clear Lake, Iowa. It's becoming an annual tradition. We celebrated Anders' birthday together, but mostly it was about hanging out and having fun.
At one point one of the boys asked me why we camp. A good question. I couldn't answer for everyone in the campground...we saw several people who just sat in their RV and watched television. I'm not sure why they bother leaving home.

But for us, it's getting back to nature--enjoying being out under the stars, under the trees, near the water. It's also about a "simpler" life--without technology. No television, no computers & we try to not use the phone. Cooking over a fire keeps meals simpler (somewhat). The biggest worry is the weather and keeping a fire going. And it's also about time together as a family. Camping builds a lot of memories. And despite Nils' four yellow jacket stings and getting his finger caught in the well pump earlier in the week, I think he has good memories of camping, too. If anything else, seeing them sleeping is worth the camping trip.

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