
Happy Caucusing, Iowa

Today is the day of the Iowa Caucuses (Beth actually got a semi-handwritten letter today from Pennsylvania forwarded from our old Iowa address asking her to vote for a particular candidate). And I mention it because it is quite national news when it comes about. For the couple of Canadians who read this and may not be familiar with it, click the title to go to the wikipedia link. Iowa is the first place in the country where candidates see if they've got a chance for the presidency. And honestly, I don't miss it.

I don't miss it because of the inundation of advertising that goes on for several months before the caucuses--and then for several more months before the election takes place. I don't miss the mudslinging that goes on. I don't miss the fakery that goes on. And I don't miss the millions of dollars that politicians put into campaigning to convince people that said candidate is going to help people, when those millions of dollars could go directly to helping the people who need it the most (when in reality, the millions of dollars comes from places that will most likely be "paid back" in some way through tax benefits or whatever).

With that said, I probably come off quite anti-American right now. I'm not. But I admit that I have a bad view of politics. I do think there is much reform that needs to be done--just as we need continual reformation in the church. And what politics needs most is prayer. After all, the Bible calls us to pray for all leaders (I Timothy 2:1-4). So may God's mighty hand be at work in raising up strong leadership to meet the needs of the American public (especially those who don't have a voice that can be heard).

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