
Good Nights

Tonight was one of those near-perfect end-of-summer nights that you don't want to end. The boys and I went down to the park after supper (it was Beth's night to go to the prayer class at church). We met our next door neighbor on the way so he got his 2-year old and the neighbor girl and his dog and came down. After a while five other families had joined us--all ones we know and enjoy being with. I had meant to get Anders to be early for his first day of school, but we were all having too much fun (plus, one of the other girls is in his class and she was still there--can I bow to peer pressure if the peers are five years old?). It seems like we spent many times at the park all alone this summer. I guess everyone is embracing these opportunities while they're here. I'm glad they are.

Darkness has set in a lot earlier, but there's a full moon rising right now and the weather is beautiful. I may just have to get out the tent for this weekend (if I can stand to put up with holiday weekend crowds). I love nights like these.

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