

Today (after mowing the lawn and getting a start on some veggie stock for soup for supper) the boys and I headed over to the Harvest Festival in our neighborhood. It was a small event (only the 2nd year of it happening, I believe) but still enjoyable with artists, food vendors, farmers' market stands, music and a kids zone. We ran into a few neighborhood friends from Sanctuary there.

Then we had Anders' soccer practice/game in St. Louis Park. We're doing it there because his best friend is doing it. The two of them spend more time with their arms around each other as they do kicking the ball. And Nils played with the younger brother (they're the same age as well; Nils may consider him his own best friend in his own way) the whole time. And I got to hang out with their parents (whom we dearly love as well).

Then after supper we had friends from church over for movie night (it was initially going to include supper, but plans adjusted). A couple of us had been out late last night at a house-warming party for another friend from church so our kids were exhausted, but we decided we all wanted to hang out for a while despite the fact that our kids could go into meltdown mode at some point (which they didn't). So we opted for a shorter movie (Disney's Robin Hood)--but it really wasn't about the movie. The movie is just an excuse. The kids often go off and play for a little while at some point. The adults spend a bit of time talking. Tonight the women even did some sewing.

All of these events of today were about community. Each community was different: neighborhood, church friends, school friends, etc. Community is our calling (and in community there is room for solitude which I need at times). Community is a gift from God to help aid us in discovering more about ourselves through our interactions with others. We find encouragement, correction, friendship and love. There are times in my life when I've ran from community because I was afraid to be truly known by others (even though I deeply desired it at the same time). I'm learning to love community. It gives my day so much more meaning.

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