
I Am Not Alone

I just returned last night from a week in the Twin Cities. Beth was with me the last half of it. (It was very good to be back to with the boys.) We were there to go through some recovery programs (first a men's workshop for me and then a couple's intensive that Beth and I went through by ourselves).

I'm acutely aware of how differently we treat some sinners than others (and there's some warrant for it). I had my own stereotypes of certain sinners before being alongside them in a group last weekend. It was good to know that they're normal people like me (or that I'm not as much as a leper as I felt I would be). One of the blessings of the weekend was being able to share my struggles with other men, to be understood and to final understand some of what has caused my issues. Ultimately, it was a blessing to know that I'm not alone.

We're all sinners--but it becomes so easy to convince yourself that you're so much worse than others. Sometimes we need to name our sin to be able to begin losing it's power of us. And sometimes we need to discover what is really behind our sin. And to remember that we're not alone (but more importantly that God loves us and removes our sins as far as the east is from the west).

1 comment:

Jane D. said...

Yay God for His ongoing work! I hear what you are saying totally and some of that is exactly what God's been teaching me in different ways as well. Yay God!!!