
Where I Work

Quick note: here's a picture of the church. It's fairly new (though there's plenty of wear & tear in it already). I love the creation that surrounds it--the flowers & bushes in the parking lot, but especially the trees behind the building. There's actually a hill that gives rise right behind the church and they put in a short little prayer walk up it.

While I've been involved in many ministries in the church (and helped in worship in many ways), it's still an adjustment being on the other side of the pulpit if you will. It's awkward right now shepherding people that I don't really know yet. Most of the names I have down are the people that we spend time with when we candidated here in January. There's a lot of sheep to get to know yet.

And "Where I Work" is a tongue-in-cheek title for this. Yes, the church is about the people, not the building. And I wouldn't really call it "work"--it's a calling, a vocation, a ministry. But I thought I'd at least give you an idea of where that takes place.

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