
The Hill

The neighborhood park has been a godsend for apartment living. Very seldom has a week gone by that we haven't been there at least once. The weather has to get pretty bad for that to happen--or we have to be out of town. As long as there isn't much wind, we're pretty much game for some sledding this time of year. I know there's some bigger hills in the Twin Cities metro area, but ours is pretty decent--especially for the size of the boys. Way better than the ditch we had for sledding down in our yard growing up.

New Year's Day, Beth's cousin and their kids came over. Five people on a toboggan is a good time.

Anders got a little snowboard at the Fisher family Christmas list last weekend. He keeps getting better with each practice. And Nils, well he just enjoys throwing snow at me. And sledding. Mostly throwing snow, though.

It's funny to hear how many people who grew up in the northern Midwest don't like staying here for long when they visit in the winter. There's an old saying in these parts: "There's no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothes." I've got nothing against winter, myself. There are plenty of good times to be had.


Jane D. said...

I LOVE winter! (except for commuting in bad weather) Love seeing the pictures of you all enjoying the park even in the winter!

Rev. Dave said...

You'll have to bring your snow clothes when you come up.