
Hot Days

The boys came back late Friday night. They had a great time on the farm. They had four-wheeler rides and saw cattle (thanks, Uncle Doug), saw hogs (thanks, Uncle Lynn), picked sweet corn (thanks, Danielsons--we have a freezer full) and other garden vegetables, and got to see the tractors that were setting up at the Albert City Threshermen & Collectors Show. My parents had a few days of business in the Twin Cities, so they brought the boys back and had some time with us here and there.

We've finally had some summer warmth, so we went with my parents and my sister's family to a nearby park (though not quite near enough to bike to while pulling the trailer). It's got a nice splash pad (free!) and the water isn't more than an inch deep, so there's little to worry about.

Beth didn't have to go into work until late afternoon today, so we put a picnic together and headed to Lake Calhoun. We haven't gotten to the lakes much this summer, so when there was a chance we went today. The boys enjoyed playing in the sand, as you can tell.

You really can't enjoy summer in Minnesota without water.

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