
Family Life

Nils, testing out his new rain boots with Mamma.
Nils, going for a walk with Pappa (he's got some thing he pushes and walks behind--we're not pushing him to walk on his own too much yet)
A demonstration of "how big" Nils is (he only uses one hand--Beth is often holding him when she teaches him to do it).
Anders showing off a pretzel he made, and then proceeded to eat (he's got my curse of always closing his eyes during pictures--picture retakes will be the norm in school)
Nils has been eating a lot more real food. Though a lot ends up elsewhere (see the amount on his face--and the chunks in the hair, too; we're doing a lot more bath times)
Beth loves Timbits (the packaging is cute, and they taste delicious). The boys and I saved her a few that we picked up on an outing to the library and park.
Nils loves bath time. Anders--not so much (actually, it's just the picture-taking he dislikes)

1 comment:

Jane D. said...

Love the photos and reports on what the boys are up to! I miss you guys!