
Boxes Diminishing

Well, we've made it. We got to my brother-in-law & sister's place on Friday night and moved into our new apartment on Saturday. We had great help from my parents, both sisters, brother-in-law and our friend Jane who took a previous post seriously and showed up to help us unpack. It was a long process of unloading (especially as we had to figure out how to downsize to a 3-room apartment). We weren't sure we'd fit in our place for quite a while--but now that we're in and most of the boxes are put away, we're enjoying it. And we've learned (again) how much stuff we have. We're right next to a really nice park, so that's been good for the boys. And the weather has been wonderful since we've been here. And now back to the job hunt . . .

1 comment:

Alaina Beth said...

Congrats on getting to the new place in one piece! I only hope I can do the same...surrounded by boxes...yuck!